artist: Martyna Kosiarz
curators: JEST group
Fernweh, or the longing for travel to a place one has never been. Martyna Kosiarz's exhibition at the JEST gallery will be a moment of false respite. An intimate pause from which fermentation slowly and delicately takes shape. The titular term - otherwise known as farsickness - is the desire for wandering and a strong longing for the unknown or exotic. However, it encounters the feeling of permanent immobility, freezing halfway to something very far away. There is a moment of suspension, during which the artist is no longer who she was before, but not yet who she will become in a moment. The objects will be a raw and intuitive "autonotatka," and their suggestive form may possess a romance that is difficult to find today. The cure for fernweh may not be easy to find. On the other hand, you may not want to get rid of it.