artist: Emilia Dudziec
curators: JEST group
During the solo show a set of images and video clips drawing from the naive metaphorical language of popular culture—primarily from the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries—will be demonstrated. The artist exposes its flawed code, analyzing the culturally limited status in which the fates of Disney heroines are inscribed and juxtaposing it with the activist activities of the titular character from the anime "SuperPig." The works draw from the still fervently utilized potential of the simulation game "The Sims" as a tool for constantly producing new, irrational, and frightening content. Emilia does not seek to resolve the situation— the key to her works is the acceptance of a permanent feeling of stress interrupted by moments of relaxation as an unchangeable norm. These emotions, programmed solely as visual material, will also appear in the second part of the work—a stretched and elongated video clip based on the mythical world of the television series "Leśna Góra," which, like the Sims' "Miłowo," is a simulation of an ideal microcosm where creation takes on the face of absurdity.