artists: Zuza Banasińska Natalia Magalska Nadia Markiewicz Kinga Bartniak Karla Groń Izabela Koczanowska Asia Krajewska Alicja Pakosz Aleksandra Sarna Agata Wieczorek
curators: JEST group (Magdalena Kanawka Iza Opiełka Agata Lankamer Piotr Bzdęga Krzysztof Latarowski)
HOT SPOT is an open-access event aimed at connecting its most cherished points into one cohesive network. It's an unsecured space shamelessly broadcasting free guilty pleasures. Here, while surfing through the JEST gallery, thanks to selected works by ten artists, one can experience a kind of purification: seek sensual pleasure, unattainable experiences, emotional secrecy, or joy from hedonism and routine; discover what we hide or uncover what is hidden as an intimate or social construct. Inaccessibility will turn out to be a mirage, and sin an aphrodisiac.
The exhibition is a response to the HOT SPOT open call.