video, 2018
The work is an analysis of the scientific text of dr. Sebastian Jagiel- ski titled The glow of a male relationship. Andrzej Wajda’s „Pro- mised Land” as a buddy movie. Selected and juxtaposed frames reveal the homosocial desires of the main characters of the film, focusing on their sexual tension. Using the chosen shots from the Promised Land in my installation, I made a double capture turning the theoretical analysis back to the visual language. The looping sequences around do not have a certain length, so you can explo- re and interpret hidden desires and relationships for a long period of time. Reading the classical Wajda’s work from 1974 from the queer perspective poses questions about social contexts and the possibilities of reinterpreting culture and history taking into account previously marginalized points of view.
photo by Małgorzata Kujda
Survival Art Review