sugar, food coloring, 2024
The object refers to the statement of the technocrat Musk, who stated during his visit to Auschwitz that if the Internet had existed earlier, the Holocaust would not have happened. However, we are currently struggling with a multi-crisis, genocide and numerous conflicts, being extremely online. The para-religious cult of the technocrat manifests itself here in the form of the sun and the virus in one.
The material used in the work plays a key role in consumer capitalism. “White Death” has a huge symbolic meaning - on the one hand, it affects the dopamine resources, which we desire, on the other, it is addictive and poisons our bodies. It also has historical significance as a very caloric energy resource.
Technology also affects our biology, hormonal balance and the condition of the body through chemical processes that are activated in the brain during its use. I see a common denominator here between toxic matter and the world of machines and the virtual environment, to which we are constantly addicted.
The object refers to the statement of the technocrat Musk, who stated during his visit to Auschwitz that if the Internet had existed earlier, the Holocaust would not have happened. However, we are currently struggling with a multi-crisis, genocide and numerous conflicts, being extremely online. The para-religious cult of the technocrat manifests itself here in the form of the sun and the virus in one.
The material used in the work plays a key role in consumer capitalism. “White Death” has a huge symbolic meaning - on the one hand, it affects the dopamine resources, which we desire, on the other, it is addictive and poisons our bodies. It also has historical significance as a very caloric energy resource.
Technology also affects our biology, hormonal balance and the condition of the body through chemical processes that are activated in the brain during its use. I see a common denominator here between toxic matter and the world of machines and the virtual environment, to which we are constantly addicted.
cukier, barwnik spożywczy, 2024
Obiekt nawiązuje do wypowiedzi technokraty Muska, który podczas wizyty w Auschwitz stwierdził, że gdyby istniał wcześniej internet, nie doszłoby do Holokaustu. Obecnie jednak zmagamy się z wielokryzysem, ludobójstwem i licznymi konfliktami, będąc ekstremalnie online. Parareligijny kult technokraty objawia się tutaj w postaci słońca i wirusa w jednym. Wykorzystany w pracy materiał odgrywa kluczową rolę w konsumpcyjnym kapitalizmie. "Biała śmierć" ma ogromne znaczenie symboliczne - z jednej strony wpływa na zasoby dopaminy, czego pragniemy, z drugiej uzależnia i zatruwa nasze organizmy. Ma również historyczne znaczenie jako bardzo kaloryczny zasób energii. Technologia również wpływa na naszą biologię, gospodarkę hormonalną i kondycję organizmu poprzez procesy chemiczne, które aktywują się w mózgu podczas jej użytkowania. Dostrzegam tu wspólny mianownik między toksyczną materią a światem maszyn i środowiskiem wirtualnym, od którego jesteśmy stale uzależnieni.
photo. Wojciech Chrubasik